Advantage Appraisals Calgary 2008

Dwight Essex  

Calgary, Alberta Canada


- Auto Damage Appraiser

- 20 years appraisal experience with an insurance company

- Interprovincial Journeyman in Auto Body Repair.

- ICAR Platinum certified.

Adjusters, send appraisal assignment with owner contact information. Please ensure you have the following information:

- Owner name/address/contact #'s

- Vehicle - year/make/model

- Vehicle Vin and Licence plate

- Damage description/point of impact

-Special instructions. eg complete front and rear estimate or estimate damage and complete ACV

Contact with the vehicle owner will be initiated within 12 hours of assignment, and most inspections are completed within 48 hours from time of assignment.  If delays are encountered and the file cannot be completed within 72 hours, a written status report will be faxed or e-mailed to your office. 

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